Gegužis/May 1979 Volume XXX No. 5
145 |
Kristina Parėštytė |
148 |
Stasys Yla |
150 |
Aldona Kamantienė |
152 |
P. Daugintis, S.J. |
155 |
Alfonsas Grauslys |
158 |
A. Saulaitis, S.J. |
161 |
Chiara Lubich |
164 |
V. Peseckas |
165 |
Vincentas Liulevičius |
168 |
K. T. |
169 |
R. Šilbajoris |
173 |
D. ir G. Vakariai |
176 |
J. Vaišnys, S.J. |
178 |
Motina |
180 |
Red. |
LAIŠKAI LIETUVIAMS (Letters to Lithuanians). Published monthly except July and August, when bi-monthly, by the Jesuit Fathers of Della Strada, Inc., 2345 West 56th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60636. Yearly subscription $8.00, single copy 80 cents. Second class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and additional mailing offices.