religinės ir tautinės kultūros žurnalas
325 |
Kun. K.J. Ambrasas, SJ |
327 |
Ses. Ona Mikailaitė |
326 |
Chiara Lubich |
337 |
Kristina Šuškutė |
342 |
Kun. Jonas Boruta,SJ |
344 |
P. Daugintis, SJ |
348 |
Kun. Jonas Lauriūnas, SJ |
351 |
Red. |
352 |
Gediminas Vakaris |
355 |
Juozas Vaišnys, SJ |
356 |
Red. |
357 |
Red. |
358 |
Juoz. Pr. |
Šis numeris iliustruotas nuotraukomis iš kun. Jono Lauriūno, SJ, gyvenimo ir laidotuvių. Viršelio piešinys — dail. Rasos Arbaitės.
Lietuviškas raidynas — Jono Bogutos.
Skyrių vinjetės ir apipavidalinimas — Teresės Bogutienės.
The statement of ownership, management and circulation LAIŠKAI LIETUVIAMS — Letters to Lithuanians — is published monthly except July and August, when bi-monthly. Its publishers and owners are the Jesuit Fathers of Della Strada, Inc. The purpose, function, and non-profit status of this organization and the exempt status for Federal income tax purpose have not changed during the preceding 12 months. The editor is Rev. Joseph Vaišnys, SJ. The managing editor is Mrs. Aleksandra Likander. The offices of editors, publishers and management are located at 2345 West 56th Street, Chicago IL 60636. In the preceding 12 months “Laiškai Lietuviams” averaged a press run of 2,300. Total distribution 2,260 copies, mail subscription — 2,121, free distribution — 139. None (0) distributed to news agents and none (0) sold through dealers, and 40 copies are left over. Annual subscription is $15.00, single copy — $1.50. Second class postage paid at Chicago, IL.